[insert_php]if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {$data = wp_get_current_user();$email = $data->data->user_email;$meta = get_user_meta(‘1’,$email);global $post;$pageid = $post->ID;$data = get_post_custom_values(‘form_data’,$pageid);}if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {echo ‘

Remaining Request Form Submissions:

‘;if(is_null($meta[0][‘form’][$data[0]])) echo ‘0’; else echo $meta[0][‘form’][$data[0]];echo ‘

‘; } if ( !is_user_logged_in() ) { echo “

‘;}else {echo ‘

‘;if ($meta[0][‘form’][$data[0]] <= 0 ) {echo "


It looks like you have already used up your information form submission credits. If you need to make changes to a form that is already submitted, please contact support@binarybiometrics.com with the information that must be modified. Please note: if we have already transmitted the record to the regulating agency no changes can be made.

If you would like to submit another request, please purchase it through our storefront HERE

“;}else{echo do_shortcode(‘
