Department of Juvenile Justice

Level 2 background checks are required for all employees who work within the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice. As a part of this background check, Department of Juvenile Justice fingerprints will need to be taken by an authorized Livescan vendor. Binary Biometrics meets all the requirements set forth by the state of Florida, and also provides convenient service to a number of cities throughout the state.

Initiating Form

Before being offered a job, applicants will be given a form IG/BSU-001, which is a Request for Livescan Background Screening for DJJ Personnel Only. This form is required for everyone working within the department, to include student interns and volunteers. A Form IG/BSU-002 will be given to those who work as contractors or perform work as part of a grant, to include volunteers. These forms should be submitted to Binary Biometrics at the time Department of Juvenile Justice fingerprints are taken.

Rescreening Requirements

Department of Juvenile Justice fingerprints must be taken every five years in order to ensure that workers with this agency continue to meet the requirements of their position. Contractors, employees and volunteers alike must undergo re-screening. When performing a rescreening, the agency will issue a Form IG/BSU-004 Request for Re-Screening (Five-Year) Check for DJJ Personnel Only or a Form IG/BSU-005, which is used for contractors. In addition, all employees and contractors must sign a yearly affidavit confirming that they are still in compliance with the Level 2 requirements for their particular position.

Information that is Obtained

Department of Juvenile Justice fingerprints will result in a complete criminal history for that individual being reported. Even so, certain offenses that were committed while the applicant was a juvenile are sometimes not listed on this report. Crimes that have been officially sealed by a court of law or expunged may or may not be listed in the final results of a background check. Since not all offenses are disqualifying, applicants should be forthcoming in listing offenses, as having them discovered during Department of Juvenile Justice background checks could result in a bar to employment.

Obtaining Fingerprinting

After obtaining the necessary forms, interested parties can either visit one of the many Binary Biometrics locations, or arrange for their mobile service to visit the job site. After showing a picture ID and presenting the necessary form, Department of Juvenile Justice fingerprints will be taken digitally and then submitted electronically to the proper authorities. It only takes about five minutes to process each person, so large groups of people can be fingerprinted in only a short amount of time. The final results are forwarded to the department for their review, and hiring managers will notify applicants as to their disposition within seven business days after receipt.

Working for the Department of Juvenile Justice can be a rewarding experience, and obtaining employment begins with fingerprinting and a background check performed by Binary Biometrics Their efficient and friendly service is unparalleled among their competition, which is why so many applicants choose them over other providers.